Fawkes Fam bags awards in major events, emerges victorious in Sports Fest 2019

Sports Festival 2019 was nothing short of nerve-racking. Just like its predecessors, it brought out the best of sporting talents and skills of the members of the MITIS community and highlighted its core values of solidarity, perseverance, and excellence.

The resumption of classes last January meant excitement for all students: sports fest is just around the corner. It is one of the most awaited events every school year where students from elementary to high school are grouped together and compete in different individual and group sporting events. Garnering places or winning in these activities awards points to teams which are very crucial in determining which team gets to claim the Championship Cup.

This year, three student teams competed in different events: the Blue Thunders, the Fawkes Fam, and defending champion for the previous occasions, the Greyffindors. The pressure was great on the shoulders of both Blue and Maroon teams to break the streak of the Gray team while the latter showed no backing down in its quest to retain the title. In order to show solidarity and, at the same time, greater challenge to do better, the teachers and staff also participated the games under the banner of the Orange team.

As in the previous years, all the teams sent representatives in different individual and group events including running and relay games, board and tabletop games (chess, Word Factory, scrabble, and darts), ball games (basketball, volleyball, dodge ball and tee ball), racket sports (badminton and table tennis), and the major group events (banner, yell, mascot, and cheer dance competition). To make the sporting events more diverse, new games were added in the already long line-up such as bowling, billiards, and tennis, which were held in venues outside the school.

The festival commenced during the colorful and fun-filled Opening Program held in Tierra Nueva Village Covered Court last January 16. All participants proudly wore their official Sports Fest shirts and pledged to uphold the values of truth, sportsmanship, and respect to rules and umpire decisions. All running and relay events and volleyball games were facilitated during the whole day affair.

The following days saw the other events facilitated every after class in the Multi-Purpose Hall, Tierra Nueva Village, and other venues. Despite the tight schedule and the demand of regular classes, the students remained enthusiastic and competitive to participate in all the games.

After more than two weeks, the festival culminated during the Closing and Awarding Program held last February 1. As a final salvo, the groups presented their mascots and cheer dance entries. Fawkes Fam grabbed the Best in Team Mascot award while the Greyffindors were recognized for showcasing the festival’s Best Cheer Dance. Aside from this, parents and guardians played with the teachers and staff for an exhibition volleyball match.

At the end, the tally of the scores garnered in all events held showed Blue Thunders placing third, the Greyffindors achieving the runner-up position, and the Fawkes Fam emerging as this year’s over-all champion. The program ended with the proud singing of the school’s hymn.

Beyond the heat of the competition, the Sports Festival brings the best in every MITISzen and fosters pride and strong school spirit.